Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Library Thing....

I can see where LibraryThing would be a one stop shop for an avid reader. It has the ability to connect to not only libraries and sites such as amazon.com, but other readers/users as well! The site appears to have a limitless database as its users coupled with the other sites is conects with are its only boundaries. I, unfortunatly, have never been a big reader or really enjoyed reading all that much. When I do read it is a text that is related to my job or a baseball book, usually fact based. My catalog shows mu bland taste in books and please feel free to see what I have placed in my library (http://www.librarything.com/catalog/joebenge). Like I said, I feel an avid read would benefit from this as well as a group that shares or discusses books. For someone such as myself that has never enjoyed reading the site was interesting, but served minimal purpose in the long run.

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